If we live for Him, we can always have His joy!
Daily Encouragement
God’s love is selfless (1 Corinthians 13:4-8) and serves others (John 15:13); we are commanded to walk in this love (Ephesians 5:2).
Young children often strive to be like their parents; we, too, should be striving to be like our Father in Heaven.
Submitting to God’s will by learning and obeying His Word results in peace.
We are not to avoid the pain of our sin by focusing on the sins of others; we avoid sin, itself, by focusing on the Lord and resisting temptation.
Worrying is a lack of faith which actually subtracts hours from our life; hours wasted in unnecessary emotional distress.
Allowing our emotions to control us or holding a grudge is not living in love (1 Corinthians 13:4-6). We must forgive and, in humility, remember just how much forgiveness we require from God and other people.
The last sentence of the Bible, an indescribable blessing in our lives. May we partake of it daily, continuously reading it cover to cover while here on Earth, never taking its perfect words for granted.
Our decisions and actions affect others, just as Abraham’s did.
Our faith is in the eternal God who cannot lie (Hebrews 6:18), the source of all this is good (John 14:6).
Our Lord, God, Creator is indeed worthy of our undistracted devotion.
How glorious this will be!
The children of God will love others and this love serves as a reassurance of our salvation.
There are many things which God does not reveal to His children; we are to rejoice over what He does share and accept by faith what He does not.
Our faith in the Lord and His eternal promises give us courage and hope for today.
What a beautiful verse! We are to live in His victory, sharing the Gospel with others in both word and deed.
The things of the world cannot satisfy our desire for joy, peace, and security; only God can do that.
Without the Lord, joy is fleeting and suffering unbearable.
By His Well Ministries
joined me “By His Well”. I hope you find the encouragement which you are seeking; always remembering
that His Word is the ultimate Well of Refreshment!
The Gospel
Monica Marie Ledford
By His Well Ministries
Swansea, MA 02777