We are to love God with everything we are (Mark 12:30); more than everything and everyone else (Exodus 20:3; Luke 14:26).
Daily Encouragement
Wow, just wow!
In humility we recognize we are unable to solve life’s problems; by faith we rely on Him to.
…the greatest of these is love (1 Corinthians 13:13).
We are to walk in love, just as He did (Ephesians 5:2).
This is how the Apostles responded when Jesus said, “Follow Me”. We are to follow Him with this same devotion.
The Lord did not enter, live in, or exit this world in luxury and comfort, but in humility and suffering; it is a blessing for us when we, likewise, endure suffering with humility and gratitude.
The young Mary’s humble acceptance of the Lord’s will for her life is a beautiful example for us all.
Trials are opportunities to exhibit God’s power to the world, as we patiently endure with faith, knowing He has all things under control.
Our lives are short, so let us focus on living each day for Him.
If we ever wonder how/when to obey the Lord, following this command is a great place to start!
Faith is a grace gift from God, necessary for both salvation (Ephesians 2:8-9) and pleasing the One who saves us (Hebrews 11:6).
Our lives belong to Him; we are to live for His good pleasure, not our own.
I love this- a perfect example of how we ought to pray- for His will.
May we never become familiar with His suffering.
The Lord is our Provider for all things. We are not to seek contentment, security, or pleasure from the world, rather we are to seek Him, trusting in His faithfulness (Matthew 6:33).
There is only one true God and Savior and it is to Him, alone, we are to devote our lives.
He’s got your back… always.
There is a reason for all the circumstances in our lives. When we focus on the spiritual (ie glorifying God) vs the physical, we will realize the purpose in our lives and find joy in all circumstances (1 Thessalonians 5:16).
If we live for Him, we can always have His joy!
By His Well Ministries
joined me “By His Well”. I hope you find the encouragement which you are seeking; always remembering
that His Word is the ultimate Well of Refreshment!
The Gospel
Monica Marie Ledford
By His Well Ministries
Swansea, MA 02777